威尔士微微一笑很倾城:Ben Cao Gang Mu 本草綱目, Materia Medica

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Chinese Medical Classics
Translated and explained by Joe Hing-kwok Chu
Ben Cao Gang Mu 本草綱目, Materia Medica
Ben Shi Fang 本事方
Bian Que Cang Gong Lie Zhuan 扁鵲倉公列傳
Dan Ji Xin Fa 丹濟心法
Fu Qing Zhu Gynaecology 《傅青主女科》
Huang Di Nei Jing 皇帝內經
Ji Sheng Fang  濟生方
Jin Gui Yao Lue (Essential Prescriptions from the Golden Cabinet) 金櫃要略
Jing Yue Quan Shu景岳全書
Lei Zheng Pu Ji Ben Shi Fang 類証普劑本事方
Nan Jing 難經
Qian Jin Fang 千金方
Rui Zhu Tang Jing Yan Fang 瑞竹堂經驗方
Shang Han Lun 傷寒論
Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing 神 農 本 草 經
Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang  太平惠民和劑局方
Tai Ping Shen Hui Fang   太 平 聖  惠 方
Wai Ke Quan Sheng Ji Fang 外科全生集方
Wai Ke Zheng Zong 外科正宗
Wan Bing Hui Chun 萬病回春
Wen Re Lun  溫 熱 論
Yi Lin Gai Cuo醫林改錯
Yi Zhong jin Jian 醫宗金鑒 
Zheng Zhi Zhun Sheng 《證治準繩》
Zhong Hua Ben Cao 《中华本草》
Huang Di Nei Jing 皇帝內經 (Yellow Emperor's Internal Classics) is also just called Nei Jing 內經. It consists of 18 volumes. Nine volumes of which is called Su Wen 素問and the other nine volumes did not have a name. During Han and Jin Dynasties, it is called "Nine Volumes" or "Zhen Jing" 針經, meaning needle classics. After Tang Dynasty, it is call "Ling Qu 靈樞."  The works were not done by one author. They were written over a long period of time starting during theSpring -Autumn and the Warring State period of China and added on by various writers during thedynasties of Qin, Han and tillTang dynasty.
景岳全書  Composed by Chang Jing-yue in 1624 A.D. during the Ming dynasty. It is a book that encompasses most of the medical theories and applications at that time plus his personal experiences.景岳全書    明﹒張景岳著,成書於公元1624年。     此書是張氏在廣收博采諸家之論的基礎上結合個人的學術見解及臨床經驗匯編而成的一部巨著。張景岳, 名介賓,號景岳,字會卿。因為他善用熟地,有人稱他為“張熟地”。公元1563──1640(明嘉靖四十二年 - 崇禎十三年。一說約1555-1632年),明山陰(會稽)(今浙江省紹興縣)人。
(Essential Prescriptions from the Golden Cabinet) 金櫃要略 composed by Zhang Zhong Jing  of Eastern Han Dynasty circa 200 A.D.張 仲 景
傷寒論 (by Zhang Zhong Jing 張仲景)   Zhang Zhong Jing,  also called Zhang Ji, was born in 150 A.D. in Nanyang district of Henan province and passed away in 219 A.D.
千金方 (Thousand Pieces of Gold Formulae) 千金方: Written by Sun Si Miao of Tang dynasty. It was completed around 652 A.D. It is the earliest medical encyclopedia that exists today. 千金方作者孫思邈,唐代著名的醫學家,約於公元652年完成。是現存最早的醫學百科全書。
(Classified/Indexed  General Treatment formulae), also called  "Ben Shi Fang." It consists of ten volumes. It was written by Xu Shu Wei of Song Dynasty and was published around the middle of 12th century.  The book is organized into 23 types of formulae: strokes, liver, gall bladder, pain of muscles and bones, heart, small intestines, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the lung  and kidney channels, headache and dizziness. It collected more than three hundred therapeutic formulas and acupuncture and moxibustion methods. Most of them had been proven effective. At the end of the formulae, the  theory and experiences of the writer were listed. The books were type-set and printed after 1949. 《类证普济本事方》﹐或稱 《本事方》。十卷。宋·许叔微撰。约刊于12世纪中期。书中按病类分为中风肝胆筋骨诸风﹐心小肠脾胃病﹐肺肾经病﹐头痛头晕方等23类方剂。收载治疗方剂及针灸法,所选方剂约300余首,多系当时试用有效者。方剂之末附有作者的验案及论述,反映了作者的独到见解和学术思想。1949年后有排印本。
Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang  太平惠民和劑局方
丹濟心法﹐ Edited by Zhu Dan Ji ofYuan Dynasty. 元朝朱丹濟著。
醫宗金鑒  Edited by Wu Qian et al, by the order of the government ofQing Dynasty during the period of Qian Long Emperor. It encompasses the works from Spring and Autumn toQing Dynasty on all aspects of Chinese medicine.    醫宗金鑒  是清代乾隆年間由吳謙等奉政府之命編輯的一部醫學教科書。書中內容極為豐富,採集了上自春秋戰國,下至明清的歷代名著之精義,其內容包括內﹐外 ﹐婦﹐兒﹐針灸﹐傷科﹐眼科等臨床各科,還有診斷和方劑學等基礎理論的內容。
神 農 本 草 經 Materia Medica of Deity of Agriculture, an earliest medical material dictionary was composed around the era ofQin and Han dynasties. There were 365 kinds of medical materials collected in this book.  神 農 本 草 經 (亦 稱 本 經 ) 是中國最早的藥物學經典,成書於秦漢之際,後人托名“神農”所作。書中共收載藥物365種,並根據藥物的不同性能和使用目的,分為上、中、下三品,初步提出 “君臣佐使”、“四氣五味”等中藥理論。 它 與 皇 帝 內 經 被 視 為 兩 本 最 重 要 之 中 醫 古 典 著 作 。
Ben Cao Gang Mu 本草綱目, Materia Medica, a dictionary of Chinese herbs, written by Li Shi Zhen (1518-1593). It consists of 52 volumes, with more than 1.9 million characters and more than one thousand and one hundred pictures. The book lists 1,892 medical material of herbs, animals and mineral with11,096 formulae being used in the past. The book has been translated into more than 60 languages.《本草綱目》明代李時珍著。全書共五十二卷,一百九十多萬字,插圖一千一百多幅,共收動物﹐植物和礦物等中藥1892種。在多數藥物後列有歷代藥方﹐共有11,096條。《本草綱目》共有60多種版本,並傳到日本﹐朝鮮﹐越南,歐洲。先後被譯成日﹐法﹐德﹐英﹐俄﹐拉丁等多種文字。
扁鵲倉公列傳  扁鵲,姓泰,名越人,勃海郡鄭人。【公元前407~310年】
『萬病回春』 (Restoring Spring to the Tens of Thousands of Diseases) by Xi Ting Xuen ofMing dynasty. 『萬病回春』  明/龔廷賢。龔廷賢字子才﹐江西金谿人,承父龔信醫業,歷任太醫院。另著有「濟世全書」﹐「壽世保元」﹐「種杏仙方」﹐「魯府禁方」﹐「痘疹辨疑」﹐「金鏡錄」等書。尤以「萬病回春」一書最為得力之作。
濟生方 also called Yan Shi Ji Fang. It was edited by Yan Yong He ofSong Dynasty. The book was completed in 1253 A.D. It consisted of 10 volumes, with 70 chapters on treatment discussion and 400 formulae. Later in 1267 A.D. he completed the second book where he included 24 chapters of treatment discussion which was not included in the first book and he added 90 more formulae. Both books were lost. The current book of 8 volumes were reconstructed from another publication,  "Yun Le Da Dian" by a famous scholar and official, Ji Xiao Lan ofQing Dynasty  《濟生方》,又名《嚴氏濟生方》,宋朝嚴用和撰。成書于宋寶元年(1253)。原書共10卷,有論治70篇,方約400首;咸淳三年(1267)又寫成《續方》,收前書未備之醫論24篇,方90首。二書后均散佚,現在版本為輯复本︰一是清紀曉嵐從《永樂大典》中輯出的8卷本《濟生方》,有醫論56篇,收方240余首,內容或缺論,或紋瑁,或刈鷵,或論不對題,殘缺較甚,1956年由人民衛生出版社出版;一是根據《醫方類聚》﹐《普濟方》等多種醫書,並參照日刊本《濟生方》等重新整理,將《濟生方》與《續方》合二為一的輯复本,有醫論85篇,方520首,內容較前一版本充實完整,基本接近原貌,1980年由人民衛生出版社出版,名《重訂嚴氏濟生方》。
《傅青主女科》 total 2 volumes , written by Fu San. It was completed in 17th century. It was first published in 1827. 《傅青主女科》又名《女科》,2卷,傅山撰,约成书于十七世纪,而至道光七年(1827) 方有初刊本:后收入《傅青主男女科》中,合刊本多《傅氏女科全集》,后附《產后篇》2卷。故或又为《女科·產后编》﹐陆懋修《世补斋医书》收入之校订本﹐将女科析为8卷﹐八门。改称《重订傅徵君女科》﹐《產后编》改名《生化编》。今本《傅青主女科》(《女科》)上卷载带下﹐血崩﹐鬼胎﹐调经﹐種子等五门,每门下又分若干病候,计38条﹐39症﹐41方。下卷则包括妊娠﹐小產﹐难產﹐正產﹐產后诸症,亦五门,共39条﹐41症﹐42方。《產后编》上卷包括產后總 论﹐產前產后方症宜忌及產后诸症治法三部,分列为17症;下卷继之而分列26症,并附补篇一章。全书文字撲实,论述简明扼要,理法方药谨严而实用,重视肝﹐脾﹐肾三脏病机,善用氣血培补﹐脾胃调理之法,故颇受妇產医家推崇。
Wai Ke Zheng Zong 《外科正宗》
《外科正宗》  明代陈实功(1555-1636年),字毓仁,号若虚,江苏南通人。致力于外科四十余年,具有丰富的临证经验和理论知识,于1617年撰《外科正宗》四卷。卷一總 论外科疾患的病源、病机、诊断的治疗,卷二至卷四分论外科疾患100余種,附图36幅。木书的主要贡献为:
(4)记载多種肿瘤,其中对乳癌的描述和预后判断,全面具体,切合实际。其所创之和荣散坚丸、阿魏化坚膏,能缓和恶性肿瘸“失荣”患者之症状,延长其存活期。后世对《外科正宗》的评价甚高,《四库全书總 目提要》评为:“列证最详,论治最精”。
(Corrections on the Errors of Medical Works) by Wang Qing-Ren (1768 - 1831).  He emphasized the anatomy of human body.醫林改錯  (1768-1831)著。王清任又名全任,字勛臣,清﹐ 河北玉田縣人。是我國醫學史上富有創新精神的醫學實踐家,非常重視人体解剖學,親自觀察尸体結构,并繪圖以示;臨証亦頗有卓見,創造了不少補气行气、活血化瘀的方劑。
溫 熱 論  byYe Tian Shi (1690-1760 A.D.) ofQing Dynasty.   One opinion is that the years of Ye Tian Shi  is 1667-1746.  Another opinion: (1665-1745 A.D.) Since Chinese history is recorded in the years of dynasties and the years of emperors, it is difficult to accurately translate into years of Christ.葉天士 名桂,字天士,號香岩。公元1667─1746年(清康熙六年─乾隆十一年)。(一說1665─1745年)清代蘇州(今江蘇省蘇州。)人,對溫熱病,甚有研究,奠定了中醫學“溫病學”基礎,創立了溫熱學派。
Rui ZhuTang Jing Yan Fang 瑞竹堂經驗方 (Proven Formulae of Rui Zhu Tang) was written by Sha Tu Mo Su of Yuan Dynasty. Published around 1326 A.D. It listed more than 310 formulae. This book now in exist in the duplicated wood printing copies of 15 volumes which were printed in Japan in 1795 A.D. and those reprinted during the reign of the emperor Guang Xu ofQing Dynasty.  《瑞竹堂經驗方》  十五卷。元·沙圖穆蘇撰。大約刊於1326年。本書分為諸風﹐心氣痛﹐疝氣﹐積滞﹐痰飲﹐喘嗽﹐羡補﹐頭面﹐口眼耳鼻﹐髮齒﹐咽喉﹐雜治﹐瘡腫﹐婦女﹐小兒共 15門,採方310餘首。選方較為精要,或選自各家方書,或採錄見聞中經驗效方。现尚存1795年日本復刻的十五卷本。但國内在清初时本書曾一度失傳,故編修《四庫全書》时,從《永樂大典》中編輯佚改編為五卷本,分為調補﹐消導﹐劳傷﹐遺濁﹐喘嗽等24門,另附補遺一卷,共180余方。現存日刊活字本﹐清光緒當歸草堂刻本。1949年後有排印本。
Wai Ke Quan Sheng Ji Fang 外科全生集, written by Wang Hong-xu of Qing Dynasty. He created the diagnostics mainly based on yin-yang theory. He published the family formulae of yang he tang (陽和湯), xing xiao wan (醒消丸), xiao jin dan (小金丹), xi huang wan (犀牛丸), etc. whcich are still being used clinically today. 《外科全生集》清代,王洪绪所著的创立了以阴阳为主的辨证论治法则,公开家传秘方阳和汤﹐醒消丸﹐小金丹﹐犀黄丸等,至今仍在临床上应用。
(The Difficult Classics) The full title of Nan Jing is "Yellow Emperor's 81 Difficult Classics" The old writing was created by Bian Que (Qi Yue Ren) (407 - 310 B.C.) The book was completed circa the end ofWestern Han dynasty to Eastern Han dynasty period. 《難經》為《黃帝八十一難經》的簡稱,或稱《八十一難》。舊題秦越人撰。大約成書於西漢末期至東漢之間。現存較早的版本有明經廠刻醫要集覽本﹐日本武村市兵衛刻宋?王九思《黃帝八十一難》集注本等。歷代注釋﹐發揮者約50家。該書針對《內經》中深奧的中醫學理論,歸納為81個問題,進行釋疑解難。內容包括脈診﹐髒腑﹐陰陽﹐五行﹐病能﹐營衛﹐俞穴﹐針灸﹐以及三焦﹐命門﹐奇經八脈等理論疑難問題。涉及到人體正常生理﹐解剖﹐疾病﹐證候﹐診斷﹐針灸與治療,以及陰陽五行學說等種種疑難問題的論述。內容十分豐富,在闡發中醫學基本理論方面占有重要的地位。[1]
《證治準繩》 Edited by Wang Ken-tang of Ming dynasty. He live around 1549 to 1613. It has been printed over the period. Now there are 17 edition being published. 又名《六科证治準繩 》或《六科準繩 》,明, 王肯堂 (西元一五四九年至一六一三年) 编撰。書成後,歷代均有刊本,主要有萬歷初刻本、四庫全書本、圖書集成本;1957年上海科技出版社铅印本等17种。
太 平 聖  惠 方。  Edited by Wang Huai-yun et al. The book described using herbal diet as therapy methods. 宋 代 ﹐ 王 懷 隱 等 編 輯 的 《 太 平 聖  惠 方 》是 一 本 論 述 藥 膳 療 法 的 著 作 。
《中华本草》 Edited by the Health Department and National Chinese Medicine Management Office, published by Shanghai Science Technology Publication, on October 1998. 由中 國 國 家 衛 生 部 和 國 家 中 醫 藥 管 理 局 主 編 。   出版社: 上海科学技术出版社
[1]難經﹐節錄自﹕中國中醫研究院中國醫史文献研究所研究員 朱建平