牙齿种植 步骤:【每日音乐】普特英文歌曲欣赏(Wisemen-James Blunt)

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/07 03:19:09

Wiseman-James Blunt

James Blunt – Wisemen


She said to me, "Go steady on me.
Won't you tell me what the Wise Men said?
 When they came down from Heaven,
 Smoked nine 'til seven,
 All the shit that they could find,
 But they couldn't escape from you,
 Couldn't be free of you,

  And now they know there's no way out,
 And they're really sorry now for what they've done,
 They were three Wise Men
 just trying to have some fun."
 Look who's alone now,
 It's not me. It's not me.
 Those three Wise Men,
 They've got a semi by the sea.
 Got to ask yourself the question,
 Where are you now?
 Got to ask yourself the question,
 Where are you now?
 Really sorry now,
 They weren't to know.
 They got caught up in your talent show,
 With you pernickety little bastards
 in your fancy dress,
 Who just judge each other and try to impress,
 But they couldn't escape from you,
 Couldn't be free of you,
 And now they know there's no way out,
 And they're really sorry now for what they've done,
 They were three Wise Men
 just trying to have some fun.
 Look who's alone now,
 It's not me. It's not me.
 Those three Wise Men,
 They've got a semi by the sea.
 Got to ask yourself the question,
 Where are you now?
 Got to ask yourself the question,
 Where are you now?
 Look who's alone now,
 It's not me. It's not me.
 Those three Wise Men,
 They've got a semi by the sea.
 Got to ask yourself the question,
 Where are you now?
 Got to ask yourself the question,
 Where are you now?
 Where are you now?
 Where are you now?
 Got to ask youself the question,
 where are you now?
 Got to ask youself the question,
 where are you now?




James Blunt(本名James Hillier Blount,生于1974年2月22日),英国唱作歌手。凭借首张专辑Back to Bedlam,和以风靡乐坛的“You're Beautiful”为代表的单曲在2005年名声大噪。Blunt的音乐风格混合了流行、摇滚和民谣等音乐元素。除了演唱之外,他还可以演奏包括钢琴、吉他在内的多种乐器。现在他是Linda Perry创建的美国厂牌Custard Records旗下签约歌手。Blunt已经赢得了两项BRIT Awards,两项Ivor Novello Awards,并获得了06年格莱美奖的5项提名。07年他发行了自己的第2张专辑All the Lost Souls,该专辑发行一星期之内就获得了黄金销量。



  Blunt出生在英格兰维尔特郡Tidworth的一家军人疗养院中,是Jane和Charles Blount夫妇的第一个孩子。孩童时期的Blunt随父亲辗转于英格兰、塞浦路斯和德国。父亲是英国空军中校,同时也是武装直升机飞行员,在以上几个国家驻扎过多次。他有两个弟弟。父亲把对飞行的热爱灌注到了Blunt身上,16岁时Blunt就拿到了自己的飞行执照。Blount家族有很长的军旅历史,可以追溯到公元10世纪。

  7岁时,Blunt进入到沃尔汉普顿的学校Elstree School学习,之后获得军方奖学金升入哈罗公学。在校期间他获得了军方提供的升入布里斯托尔大学的入学名额。在大学里Blunt先是主修了航空制造工业学,随后又攻读了社会学。1996年他大学毕业,被授予了社会学理学士学位。其后他又在桑赫斯特皇家军事学院完成了自己的学业。



  1999年,Blunt作为北约维和部队队员进驻科索沃,时任装甲侦查军官。他和他的部队被指派到比战事前线还要靠前的马其顿-科索沃边界,在那里他们要指挥兵力、瞄准塞尔维亚的位置,为北约的投弹轰炸提供相关信息。Blunt带领第一支装甲部队进入到了普斯提那,他也是第一位进入科索沃首府的英国军官。因为在Blunt部到达前俄国军队就进驻并控制了普斯提那机场,所以他的部队被委派保卫机场前方,确保30,000名维和队员的安全。因为是现场的第一位军官,所以Blunt要负责处理部分潜在的国际暴力冲突等棘手问题。驻扎期间,很少有闲暇时间,但Blunt带着吉他,把吉他绑在坦克外面。在某些地区,维和队员们可以享受到好客的当地人民的款待,这时Blunt就会自弹自唱,进行表演。就是在那段日子里,他创作完成了歌曲"No Bravery"。

  随后对Blunt的任命包括担任设于瑞士韦尔毕耶的皇家高山滑雪队的上尉,并且最后他成了整个皇家装甲军中第一流的滑雪队员。紧接着Blunt又在伦敦的御林骑兵中服役。在伦敦服役期间内一档名为"Girls on Top"的电视节目采访了Blunt,报道了他一系列显著的不同寻常的军旅经历。作为御林骑兵中的一员,Blunt执行了多次仪仗任务。皇太后去世时的遗体停放期间,Blunt就曾在其灵柩前站岗执勤,并参与了2002年4月19日的送丧仪仗队。2000年11月Blunt延长了自己的服役时间。2002年10月1日Blunt光荣退伍。


  虽然儿时的Blunt就参加了钢琴和小提琴训练班,但他第一次真正接触流行音乐是在哈罗公学上学的时候。一个同学教Blunt学会了吉他,14岁时他就开始弹吉他、创作歌曲了。在布里斯托尔大学,他的论文题目是偶像的商品化——流行偶像的产物;论文中一个主要的例证是社会学家、摇滚乐评家、现任Mercury Music Prize主席的Simon Frith。

  2002年,Blunt复员,因而他可以继续他的音乐旅程。大约就是在那时起,他开始使用“Blunt”这个艺名,为的是可以让人们易于拼写他的名字;“Blount”与“Blunt”读音相同,这仍然是他法律上的姓氏。复员后不久,Blunt就与百代和Twenty-First Artists management签约。由于厂牌执行经理认为Blunt上流社会的嗓音是他歌唱的障碍,所以并没有确定的唱片合同。2003年初 Linda Perry刚刚组建自己的厂牌Custard Records,他游览伦敦时恰巧听到了Blunt的促销盒带,又在South by Southwest音乐节上看到了Blunt的现场演出。几天内,Perry就与Blunt签订了一份唱片合同。一个月后,Blunt就与制作人Tom Rothrock一起在洛杉矶着手灌制自己的唱片。

 [00:00.00]James Blunt - Wisemen
[00:25.73]She said to me, \"Go steady on me.  她对我说:“对我有点信心好吗?
[00:29.03]Won\'t you tell me what the Wise Men said?  你不打算告诉我聪明人的怎么说的吗?
[00:31.33]When they came down from Heaven,  当他们从天堂来到人间
[00:33.59]Smoked nine \'til seven,  晚上九点到早上七点烟雾弥漫
[00:35.37]All the shit that they could find,  他们只会发现一堆屁事
[00:37.63]But they couldn\'t escape from you,  但是他们却逃不出你的手掌心
[00:40.04]Couldn\'t be free of you,  无法挣脱你的束缚
[00:41.47]And now they know there\'s no way out,  现在他们知道已经无处可逃
[00:43.85]And they\'re really sorry now for what they\'ve done,  他们对于自己的所作所为心中充满愧疚
[00:47.04]They were three Wise Men
[00:48.51]just trying to have some fun.\"  他们只是三个想要找点快乐的聪明人!”
[00:51.05]Look who\'s alone now,  看谁落单了呢?
[00:53.09]It\'s not me. It\'s not me.  不是我 不是我
[00:57.29]Those three Wise Men,  这三个聪明人
[00:58.80]They\'ve got a semi by the sea.  他们在海边有栋房子
[01:03.60]Got to ask yourself the question,  你扪心自问
[01:06.40]Where are you now?  你现在身处何方?
[01:09.87]Got to ask yourself the question,  你扪心自问
[01:12.53]Where are you now?  你现在身处何方?
[01:16.23]Really sorry now,  真抱歉
[01:17.25]They weren\'t to know.  他们不知道
[01:18.45]They got caught up in your talent show,  他们被你的演出深深吸引
[01:21.62]With you pernickety little bastards 
[01:23.43]in your fancy dress,  还有你演出服装上挑剔的小子
[01:24.78]Who just judge each other and try to impress,  他们相互指责想要给你留下印象
[01:27.78]But they couldn\'t escape from you,  但是他们却逃不出你的手掌心
[01:30.29]Couldn\'t be free of you, 无法挣脱你的束缚
[01:31.71]And now they know there\'s no way out,  现在他们知道已经无处可逃
[01:34.13]And they\'re really sorry now for what they\'ve done,  他们对于自己的所作所为心中充满愧疚
[01:37.28]They were three Wise Men
[01:38.82]just trying to have some fun.  他们只是三个想要找点快乐的聪明人!”
[01:41.34]Look who\'s alone now,  看谁落单了呢?
[01:43.37]It\'s not me. It\'s not me.  不是我 不是我
[01:47.56]Those three Wise Men,  这三个聪明人
[01:49.11]They\'ve got a semi by the sea.  他们在海边有栋房子
[01:53.90]Got to ask yourself the question, 你扪心自问
[01:56.55]Where are you now? 你现在身处何方?
[02:00.09]Got to ask yourself the question, 你扪心自问
[02:02.83]Where are you now? 你现在身处何方?
[02:44.16]Look who\'s alone now,  看谁落单了呢?
[02:46.21]It\'s not me. It\'s not me.  不是我 不是我
[02:50.39]Those three Wise Men,  这三个聪明人
[02:51.96]They\'ve got a semi by the sea.  他们在海边有栋房子
[02:56.69]Got to ask yourself the question,  你扪心自问
[02:59.45]Where are you now?  你现在身处何方?
[03:03.03]Got to ask yourself the question,  你扪心自问
[03:05.72]Where are you now?  你现在身处何方?
[03:18.44][03:12.28]Where are you now?  你现在身处何方?
[03:22.02]Got to ask youself the question,  你扪心自问
[03:24.64]where are you now?  你现在身处何方?
[03:28.09]Got to ask youself the question,  你扪心自问
[03:30.96]where are you now?  你现在身处何方?