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1=D    4/4  中速或小行板(Moderato or Andantino)


                                                                    李劫夫 原作

                                                                    余元洲 改编

We Are Taking  A Right Way

——Marches Of Great Harmony

(Singable in English)

                                                         Originally by famous Jiefu

                                                         Rewritten by Yu Yuanzhou

1)我们走在大路上,            1)We’re taking a right way,

昂首阔步向前方。               And moving forward to the far.

我们走进了新的时代,           We’re to make a new great epoch,

与时俱进——进小康。           We’re with time progressing.


2)我们走在大路上,            2)We’re taking  a right way,

迎着风雨,迎着春光。           Bathing in rain but fine with sunshine.

我们耕耘,我们播种,           We’re farming and sowing in the fields,

我们收获谷满仓。               And will harvest crops in autumn.


3)我们走在大路上,            3)We’re taking a right way,

雨过天晴精神爽。               After rain we feel nice more.

我们用汗水浇灌花木,           As the gardeners we work ever hard,

要让大地四季芬芳。             For sweet smelling to fill everywhere.


4)我们走在大路上,            4)We’re taking  a right way,

激情澎湃放声唱:               Emotionally we start to sing:

歌唱新生活的来临,             For the new era to come in our life,

歌唱鸟儿自由飞翔。             For the birds in woods singing.


5)我们走在大路上,            5)We’re taking  a right way,

憧憬未来放眼望:               Looking forward to the far:

和谐世界建成之日,             When the Dream Of One World comes true,

就是大同主义理想。             That’s Ideal of Great Harmony!

(副歌)                       (Refrains)

向前进,向前进,               Forward go, Forward go,

我们的脚步不可阻挡!           Never yield to any evils!

向前进,向前进,               Forward go, Forward go,

朝着胜利的方向!               Toward the great Victory!

——胜利的方向!               ——To the great Victory!

200898修改稿)       (Revised on the 8th /Sept.2008)

[About the rewriter: Yu Yuanzhou, male, Henanese; a Bachelor of Arts, Master of Economics, Doctor of Law; now a Professor at Jianghan Univ.Tel.027-84226925;Email:yyz929@jhun.edu.cn]