
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/28 07:09:28

Living in the End-Time


We are living in the end-time! This does not mean that creation will soon come to its end, but it does mean that all the signs of the end of time that Jesus mentions are already with us: wars and revolutions, conflicts between nations and between kingdoms, earthquakes, plagues, famines, and persecutions (see Luke 21:9-12). Jesus describes the events of our world as announcements that this world is not our final dwelling place, but that the Son of Man will come to bring us our full freedom. “When these things begin to take place,” Jesus says, “stand erect, hold your heads high, because your liberation is near at hand” (Luke 21:28). The terrible events surrounding us must be lived as ways to make us ready for our final liberation.

  我们生活在末世!这并不是说世界很快就要终结,而是说耶稣所提到的所有的末世征兆都已经在我们身边:战争和革命,冲突在民族间和国家间发生,地震,瘟疫,灾荒和迫害(路加福音 21:9-12)。耶稣描述世上的这些事件,宣告我们的最终居所并非现在这个世界,而是人子降临带来的满全的自由。"这些事开始发生时,"耶稣说,“你们应当挺起身来,抬起你们的头,因为你们的救援近了”(路加福音 21:28)。我们必须把这些发生在周围的恐怖的事件视作为我们最终的解放做准备的途径。