
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/29 01:11:01


“Not surprising,” I told her. “Halitosis almost never arises from the esophagus, stomach, or intestine.” Undaunted, she repeated, “Something’s wrong.”


I thought for a moment and then said: “Fair enough. You know, sometimes conditions in the lungs can cause the breath to be bad. Let’s do a chest X-ray.” Even though I was certain that the yield on the X-ray would be small, I wanted to be able to tell her we had turned over every stone in search of the cause of Jerry’s nonproblem.


So even though Sandy was the only one who thought her husband’s breath was bad; even though Jerry had no symptoms, findings, or risk factors whatsoever; and even though his lungs had sounded clear when I listened to them at his first visit, I had my medical assistant walk him down the hall for the chest film.

       虽然Sandy 是唯一一个认为她丈夫的气息是难闻的,虽然Jerry 没有任何症状,表现或者任何可能的危险因素;尽管第一次接诊时听他的肺是清晰的,我还是让助手带他去做胸片。

Several minutes later my assistant put the X-ray up on the view box in my office. I took one look and had to suppress an expletive. Sitting in Jerry’s right midlung was a rounded density with a central cavity containing air and fluid. It was the radiographic signature of an abscess.


Amazingly, Jerry had been harboring a chronic infection in his right lung, but it had not been accompanied by any of the typical symptoms of an abscess—fever, cough, sputum production, sweats, and weight loss. He’d had none of them. None, that is, except for an odor on his breath. The smell of purulent sputum incubating deep within a lung may waft its way up the bronchial tree, resulting in serious halitosis. But in Jerry’s case the odor was so subtle that it took the exquisitely sensitive olfactory memory of his wife to pick up the change. The “ghosts” she smelled were real, and antibiotics were exactly what it was going to take to get rid of them.


Adding to my surprise was the fact that Jerry had none of the risk factors associated with a lung abscess. Among patients with intact immune systems (not compromised by HIV or chemotherapy, for example), lung abscesses occur most frequently in those with conditions that impair the swallowing mechanism and allow for the aspiration of food or saliva into the lungs. Disorders such as strokes or neurodegenerative disease and conditions that depress consciousness like alcoholism, seizures, and drug abuse can all predispose to oral contents “going down the wrong pipe.” When coupled with poor dental hygiene, which can lead to the buildup of bacteria, these disorders set people up for aspiration pneumonias, infections that can smolder and destroy normal lung tissue, literally rotting out a “dead zone” in the lung.


But in a small number of cases, lung abscesses may arise in the absence of any identifiable risk factor. It is possible that Jerry had a congenital anomaly in his bronchial tree that led to the pooling of mucus, and eventually to infection, but it is impossible to know for certain.


In the pre-antibiotic era, lung abscesses were fatal one-third of the time and left another third with lifelong debilitating lung disease. The introduction of lobectomy, the surgical removal of part of the lung, improved these numbers, but an extended course of antibiotics long ago replaced surgery as the mainstay of treatment for these infections.


In consultation with an infectious-disease expert, I started Jerry on clindamycin, a potent antibiotic effective against the anaerobic (non-oxygen-consuming) bacteria that most frequently populate this type of infected cavity. After six weeks, an X-ray showed the abscess had shrunk down to a stable and probably permanent scar on Jerry’s lung. There was no reason to expect any recurrence. But had Jerry’s abscess gone undiagnosed, it might well have continued to grow and could have eventually necessitated the surgical removal of part of his lung.


At a visit shortly after finishing the antibiotic course, Jerry told me he had gained new respect for both his wife’s dogged persistence and her uniquely talented nose. Then he said he was considering adding a bit to his stand-up routine about hiring his wife out to the bomb squad at the Los Angeles International Airport. ?“Or,” I suggested, “maybe you could just get her a bouquet of sweet-smelling flowers and take her out to a nice dinner.”



H. Lee Kagan is a internist in Los Angeles. The cases described in Vital Signs are real, but names and certain details have been changed.
H. Lee Kagan是洛杉矶的一名内科医师。这个病例描述是真实的,但是名字和和细节已经做了处理。