阴阳师达摩碎片哪里换:542.6-楼盘打折引抗议 中国房价涨难跌亦难

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/04 06:23:49
2011年 10月 25日 14:14楼盘打折引抗议 中国房价涨难跌亦难China’s Housing Tight Rope
 你在担心中国房地产泡沫破裂吗?烦恼的可不止你一个。中国媒体报道称,一些富裕的上海市民抗议自己刚买了房子的两处房产项目降价,并在倒霉的房地产开发商的售楼处里闹事。Worried about a bubble bursting in China’s real estate sector? You’re not the only one. Local media are reporting that some of Shanghai’s well-to-do residents have protested price cuts in two developments where they recently forked out for an apartment, running riot in the showroom of the hapless developer.

据《新世纪》周刊报道,某楼盘的新房最近打折,从每平方米2.3万元(约合3,600美元)降至1.7万元。对于按原价购买了一套面积100平米公寓的人来说,相当于直接损失60万元。中国国家统计局的数据显示,上海2010年人均收入为35,738元。According to New Century magazine, the recent discount for new apartments at one development saw prices drop from 23,000 yuan (about $3,600) per square meter to 17,000 yuan per square meter. That’s a hefty paper loss of 600,000 yuan for anyone who purchased a standard 100 square meter apartment at the old price. As a point of reference, according to the National Bureau of Statistics, per capita annual income in Shanghai in 2010 was 35,738 yuan.

The risks to China’s economy from a sharp correction in house prices and slow down in real-estate investment are well known. With China’s middle class deeply into property as a store of wealth, the Shanghai protests also underline a risk that is often overlooked social unrest. If China’s government wants to make houses more affordable, they can’t let prices go up too fast. If they want to avoid economic and social disorder, they can’t let them go down either.