
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/19 04:00:06


Reed Flute Cave - Guangxi Zhuangzu region, China (James P. Nelson, TCS)

芦笛岩--广西桂林,中国(图片来源:James P. Nelson, TCS)

Ningaloo Marine Park, Western Australia - A banded toadfish hides among the coral on 185-mile-long (298 kilometers) Ningaloo Reef. Branching skin growths help camouflage the foot-long (0.3 meter) fish from both predator and prey. (Takako Uno)

宁格罗海洋公园,澳大利亚西部--一条带状的蟾鱼藏在185英里长(约298公里)的宁格罗暗礁群中的一处珊瑚中。分枝状的外表皮有助于这种英尺大小(0.3米)的鱼逃避捕食者同时也有利于自身捕食。(图片来源:Takako Uno)

Pusztaszer, Hungary - Two herons fight over a fish snatched from a hole in an ice-covered lake. Neither bird won. During the quarrel the fish fell to the ice, and another hungry heron snagged the catch. (Bence Mate)

Pusztaszer,匈牙利--两只苍鹭为了从冰冻湖面上孔洞中取出的一条鱼而激烈争斗。然而没有一只得到了胜利。在争斗中,鱼掉落在冰面,另一只饥饿的苍鹭偷走了这条鱼。(图片来源:Bence Mate)

Democratic Republic of the Congo - The silverback Senkwekwe, one of six mountain gorillas slain in Virunga National Park last July, is carried from the crime scene. Fewer than 700 remain in the wild. (Brent Stirton, Reportage by Getty Images)

刚果民主共和国--银背大猩猩Senkwekwe,维龙加国家公园里去年七月六只被杀死的猩猩中的一员,正被抬离死亡现场。(该类猩猩)在野外的存活量少于700只。(图片来源:Brent Stirtion,来自Getty Images)

Ethiopia - The infernal glow of a lava lake in the Ertale volcano rivals moonrise over the Danakil Desert. Molten surface temperatures range from 550°F (260° Celsius) near the 262-foot-high (80 meters) walls to nearly 1000°F (538° Celsius) at the center of the pit. (Olivier Grunewald)

埃塞俄比亚--Ertale火山中令人恐怖的发出火光的熔岩湖可以比得上与丹那基尔沙漠上空的满月。熔岩表面的温度从约262英尺深(80米)的550°F (260° 摄氏度)到正中处接近1000°F (538° 摄氏度)。(图片来源:Olivier Grunewald)

Monterey Bay Aquarium, California - Sparkling like underwater fireworks, this six-inch-wide (15 centimeters) Olindias jellyfish displays an extravagantly curled and colored armament of tentacles loaded with stinging cells. (Frans Lanting)

蒙特利湾水族馆,加利福尼亚--展开如同水中烟花一样美丽,这条六英寸宽(15厘米)的Olindias水母正展示那极度弯曲与艳丽的触手,触手上布满刺细胞,作为武器存在。(图片来源:Frans Lanting)

Bemaraha National Park, Madagascar - Rocks turned to razors, eroded limestone pinnacles rise 300-plus feet (91.4 meters) from the forest floor of this park—challenging researchers who study the island's rare and endangered species. (Olivier Grunewald)

帕玛拉哈国家公园,马达加斯加--岩石形成了剃刀般,侵蚀的石灰岩使得整个公园平面高度在树冠层上升了300英尺以上(91.4米)的高度,这对研究人员研究岛上的珍稀濒危物种提出了挑战。(图片来源:Olivier Grunewald)

Chile - The fury of Chaitén volcano seems to set the sky on fire. Highly charged particles of pumice roar upward in spreading clouds of gas and smoke, generating crackling tangles of lightning. (Carlos Gutierrez, UP/Digital Railroad)

智利--喷发的柴腾火山看起来像是把天都点燃了。火山灰中高度带电的粒子散布在气体和烟雾组成的云层,形成爆裂纠缠的闪电。(图片来源:Carlos Gutierrez, UP/Digital Railroad)

Shodo Shima, Japan - Huddled for warmth, macaques press their bodies into a vast ball of fur. The monkeys' relaxed social hierarchy allows high- and low-ranking individuals to share the same tight space. (Yushiro Fukuda)

小豆岛,日本--为取暖而缩成一团,短尾猿将它们的身体挤压在一起形成一个充满毛发的大球。猴子群体种松散的等级制度允许地位高的个体和地位低的个体共同享有同样的空间。(图片来源:Yushiro Fukuda)

Gulf of Aqaba - Surrounded by thousands of golden sweepers, photographer Magnus Lundgren spun his camera to capture this shifting school off Elat, Israel. After 200 tries he got it: a whirlpool of four-inch fish. (Magnus Lundgren)

亚喀巴湾--遍布数以千计的金色扫把鱼,摄影师Magnus Lundgren旋转他的摄像机以捕捉鱼群离开以色列埃拉特的转向画面。在经过了200次的尝试后,他得到了图像:4英寸鱼形成的漩涡。(图片来源:Magnus Lundgren)

Germany - The see-through skin of an inch-long glass frog reveals her eggs. Native to Venezuela, the frogs lay eggs in bushes and trees overhanging streams. Tadpoles hatch, then tumble into the current to be swept away. (Heidi and Hans-Jurgen Koch)

德国--通过透明皮肤观看一只英寸长玻璃青蛙展示她的卵。在委内瑞拉本土,青蛙在溪流边的灌木丛和树丛中产卵。蝌蚪孵化后,倒头进入溪流顺流而下。(图片来源:Heidi and Hans-Jurgen Koch)

Zambia - The 355-foot (108 meter) drop of Victoria Falls just inches away, a swimmer stands at the lip of a hidden pool—an eight-foot-deep (2 meter) divot in the riverbed rock—accessible only when the Zambezi River runs low. (Annie Griffiths Belt)

赞比亚--距离355英尺(108米)的维多利亚瀑布仅仅几英寸远,一位游泳者站在隐藏的水池边,这个水池是一个8英尺深(2米)的河床岩石断层,只有在赞比亚河水位较低时才会显露出来。(图片来源:Annie Griffiths Belt)

Cameroon - At the Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center, more than a dozen residents form a gallery of grief, looking on as Dorothy—a beloved female felled in her late 40s by heart failure—is borne to her burial. (Monica Szczupider)

喀麦隆--在Sanaga-Yong黑猩猩救援中心,超过12只黑猩猩在过道边悲伤地注视着Dorothy,迎来它的葬礼。Dorothy在40岁晚期因为心脏衰竭而死去。(图片来源:Monica Szczupider)

United States - A kayaker plunges 70 feet into winter water at Washington State's Outlet Falls. (Jed Weingarten)

美国--一位皮艇员驾驶皮划艇在冬季从华盛顿州出口70英尺高的瀑布直冲而下。(图片来源:Jed Weingarten)

Mexico - Thirteen feet and a thousand-plus pounds of great white shark bump a diver's cage and roil the waters off Guadalupe Island. The region, rich in seal and sea lion rookeries, is a hot spot for the powerful predators. (Brandon Cole)

墨西哥--瓜达鲁普岛附近,一条13英尺长,重达一千英镑以上的大白鲨撞击一位潜水者的铁笼并搅起急流。这个区域是海豹和海狮的栖息地,也成了强大捕食者的热点关注区域。(图片来源:Brandon Cole)

India - In Jammu, a flower of flame blooms from a man's kerosene-filled mouth. Devotees of Sikhism, the world's fifth largest organized religion, were marking the 342nd birthday of Guru Gobind Singh, a founder of the faith. (Jaipal Singh, EPA/Corbia)

印度--在查谟,从一位男子充满煤油的口中喷出的火焰形成花的式样。锡克教信徒,世界第五大宗教团体,当时正在庆祝辛格342岁诞辰,辛格被认为是该教的奠基人之一。(图片来源:(aipal Singh, EPA/Corbia)

South Georgia Island - A snowy morning offers a peaceful study in contrasts as southern elephant seals and king penguins share a rookery. Antarctic spring brings some 400,000 of each species to this remote British territory. (Yva Momatiukand and John Eastcott)

南乔治亚岛--一个大雪纷飞的早晨为研究南极海象和帝企鹅和平同享栖息地提供了对比条件。南极春季为这个遥远的英国领土带来了40万的各类生物。(图片来源:Yva Momatiukand 和 John Eastcott)

Indonesia - See dusk in the Dampier Strait through a half-submerged lens and glimpse two distinct worlds. Under a cloud-slung sky, fishermen work on wooden boats. Beneath a mirror-calm surface, waters flash with baitfish. (David Doubilet)

印度尼西亚--通过半置在水中的镜头观看丹皮尔海峡黄昏两个不同世界的景色。在阴云笼罩的天气中,渔民在木船上工作。而在风平浪静的水下,小鱼在闪现。(图片来源:David Doubilet)

Thailand - In a race to emerge at the Sriracha Tiger Zoo, one eight-inch Siamese crocodile wins by a head. Few such crocs exist in the wild, yet 20,000 are born each year during the zoo's May-to-August hatching festival. (Sukree Sukplang, Reuters)


Zambia - A lone bull elephant breakfasts at first light near the precipice of Victoria Falls. With the Zambezi River near its seasonal ebb, once submerged walkways—and fresh foraging possibilities—present themselves. (Marsel van Oosten)

赞比亚--破晓时分,一头孤独的公象在维多利亚瀑布的悬崖边旁进行早餐。随着赞比亚河步入季节性干枯,一旦水中的通道显现出来,将会提供新的觅食途径。(图片来源:Marsel van Oosten)