综影视和男神恋爱:八下Unit4 He said i was hard-working.说课稿 - HERS...

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八年级(下)Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.说课稿





1. 教学目标

1)词汇:mad, be mad at, soap opera

2) 句型:She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.

2. 教学重、难点

1)词汇:mad, be mad at, soap opera

2) 句型:She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.

3) Direct Speech & Reported Speech

3. 情感态度

To be interested in communicating in English .





1. 学会预习:发挥学生的主观能动性,变被动学习为主动学习。

2. 在“玩中学,学中玩”,把学习的语言知识生活化,营造一个真实、轻松的学习氛围,让学生体会学英语原来离生活这么近,这么有趣,提高学习兴趣!

3. 合作学习:积极参与2人或4人小组活动,相互交流,互帮互助,合作完成任务。

4. “为学而用,用中学,学了就用”:善于抓住用英语交际的机会,联系实际,充分感知英语的实用性。


1. 听说训练法

以所教授句型为中心,通过听力训练、口头转述别人的话的形式反复操练重点句型:What did he/she said ? He/She said ...

2. 直观教学法


3. 任务型教学法



Step1. Revision and lead-in

T: What do you do?

S1: I am a student.

Then write his answer on the bb.

( He said , “I am a student.”)

T: What did he say just now ? He said he was a student.( write it on the bb)

T: What’s your favorite subject ?

S2: My favorite subject is ...

bb: She said, “My favorite subject is ...”-- She said her favorite subject was ...

(设计意图:先由最简单的be句型转述,让学生感知reported speech。)

The same way to show other reported sentences.

She said she lived in Huangtong.

He said he went to school by bike.

He said he was having an English class .

( What are you going to do after school? What are you going to do when you grow up ?目的:由已学知识点引出本课的be going to do句型)

      I am going to play soccer after school.

      He said he was going to play soccer after school.

      I am going to be a doctor .

      She said she was going to be a doctor.

Then explain what Direct speech and Reported Speech are.

Pay attention to the tense and the person among those sentences.

设计意图:列举了一般现在时和be going to do句型的转述话语,让学生自己观察间接引语,找出规律。教师再补充和小结。)

Step2. Learn new words & expressions, and practice in pairs.

Show the whole class three sentences which are given in 1a, then have them change these sentences into Reported Speech.

1) Marcia said, “I’m having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.”

2) Lana said, “I’m mad at Marcia.”

3) She said, “I’m not going to her house on Friday night.”


Before they do exercise, ask a student to read the sentences for all the class.

Then teach new words and expressions:

surprise party

mad / mæd/ adj.生气的,气愤的

be mad at 生某人的气,对...发怒

on Friday night

Give them a few minutes to finish it.

Ss can discuss or check their answers in small groups.(在教师检查前,通过小组讨论可以让学生之间自行检查。)

Teacher checks the answers with the whole class.

After that, make Ss read the sentences.


Step3. Do 1a and 1b.

1) T:The above sentences are from a soap opera, “Young Lives”.

Do you ever watch soap operas? What is a soap opera? What are some soap operas you know? What are some things that happen on soap operas?

Then talk about these questions.

2) Learn 1b.

Listen and number the pictures in activity 1a.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Play the recording a second time. Students number the pictures. Then check the answers.

Step4. Consolidate and expand

1.Ask Ss report what teacher says.

Teacher said to S1, “ I am going to have a birthday party.”

S2: Miss/Mr. ×× said she/he was going to have a birthday party.

T said to S3, “Lily is going to be a teacher.”

T said to S4, “ You are my best friend.”

Then ask S4 to report it.

Miss/Mr. ××said I was her/his best friend.

Pay attention to explain why change “you are” into “I was”.


2. More sentences to consolidate.

Molly said to me, “Your dress is beautiful.”

Mom said , “Your dad is waiting for you.”


3.Teacher show some pictures , and asks Ss change them into Reported Speech.

1) Marcia said, “I am not going to have a party.”

2) “ I live in Happy Apartment,” Lucy said.

3) “ Lily is going to be a teacher,” He said.

4) Ben said to me, “My new English teacher is Mr. Wang.”


4. Next, divide Ss into small groups. Let each of them say a sentence and other Ss reported. Then act it out for other groups.


Step5. Homework

Write down a sentence which your best friend said to you , then change it into reported speech.