位面小蝴蝶 剧本:托福词汇16--20

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/05 15:15:35

  Lesson 16 The World of Teacher 教师的世界


  associate v. 交往(with); 关联,联合;n. 伙伴;adj. 准的(比正式的低一级)

  association n. 关联,联合;协会

  assorted adj. 各式各样的,多样混合的

  assuage v. 缓和,减轻(痛苦等)

  assume vt. 假定,设想,(想当然地)认为;承担(责任);采用(....的形式或姿势)

  assumption n. 假设;就职

  assure vt. 巩固,确保;想...保证,使确信

  assuredly adv. 确实地,确信地;自信地,有把握地

  astonish vt. 使惊讶

  astound vt. 使惊异

  astronomical adj. 天文学的

  astute adj. 机敏的,精明的

  asymmetrical adj. 不均匀的,不对称的

  atheist n. 无神论者

  athlete n. 运动员

  atmosphere n. 大气,大气层;(某一地的)空气

  atom n. 原子

  atomic adj. 原子的;微子的

  atomization n. 原子化;雾化

  atone v. 赎罪,补偿

  I love to associate with my fellow teachers. We meet at least twice each week at the Faculty association meetings. At these meetings, we ofter talk about our classes over a wonderful snack of assorted fruits. We're a close-knit group, although we're quite different in character.

  Jane is one of my most astute coleagues. She teaches a course in astronomical phenomenon. Her students are often astonished when she talks about "black holes" and her theory of the shrinking universe. But she is careful to assuage their concerns. She assures them that her theory is based on a number of assumptions that my turn out to be unture.

  My friend Bob teaches nuclear physics. He says it's all about atoms, atomic particles and atomization. I assume he knows what he's talking about. He must know, given how assuredly he speaks about the subject.

  Mary teaches religion. However, she is an atheist. She has an excellent sense of humor. She often jokes about how she may end up having ti atone for not believing in God.

  Jim is our school's physical education teacher. He's natural athlete and he loves basketball. He never fails to astound us with his ability to dunk a basketball backwards without looking.

  Lastly, there's Sally, our teacher of geometry. She likes to talk about symmetrical and asymmetrical triangles. Frankly, it drives me crazy to think about those things. But I like her stimulating personality. She probably knows how to turn a boring subject into a fascinating one.

  As for me, I teach art. It brings out my creative side.








  Lesson 17 Life Beyond Injury 走出伤痛的生活


  atrophy n. 萎缩

  attach vt. 系,缚

  attachment n. 依恋,喜欢;连接物;附件

  attain vt. 到达,获得

  attend vt. 参加;入学;照顾

  attendant n. 侍者,护理人员;adj. 伴随的

  attire n. 穿着,装饰(正规服装总称)

  attorney n. 代理人,辩护律师

  attribute n. 属性,品质;vt. 把....归于,归因于

  attrition n. (逐渐的)损耗,磨损;减员

  audacious adj. 大胆的,鲁莽的

  audacity n. 大胆,鲁莽

  audible adj. 听得见的

  audit vt. 查账;旁听

  audition n. (对艺人的)面试(指试唱、试戏等)

  auditorium n. 大礼堂

  auger n. 螺丝钻,钻孔机

  augment vt. 增加,增大

  aura n. 气味,气氛;光轮,光环

  aurora n. 极光(南北极的)

  I still reacall the accident. I had an audacious attitude back then. I remember being very upset at my brother and telling him,"you have the audacity to call me a coward when you won't even try." Neither of us knew how unstable and heavy that auger bit was.

  Then I felt the numbing pain of the auger bit crushing my back. I can still see the ambulance attendants, in their clean white attire, attending to my injury. I think my voice was barely audible. The doctors were able to attach supporting metal pins to my spine, but I've yet to walk. My whole body seems to be in a state of atrophy. But I've never given up to hope. One of my strongest attributes is patience. Someday, I'll attain the use of my legs again.

  Fortunately, my attorney helped me to obtain compensation for my injuries. The extra money helps to augment my monthly income. I still work as an accountant, auditing the books of small companies. But I only work part-time, and later this year, I plan to retire. It looks like my company will reduce its staff through attrition.

  I'd like to spend more time with my family now. I have a strong attachment to my wonderful and energeic daughter. Everyone loves her. It's as though she emits an aura. This afternoon, I'll be taking her to the school auditorium so that she can attend an audition for a part in the school play. Next winter, we'll be taking a trip to Alaska to see the aurora borealis!





  Lesson 18 A Change of Pace 改变步调


  auspice n. 前兆;(s)赞助,支持

  auspicious adj. 预示成功的,有利的,幸运的

  authentic adj. 真迹的,真的;可靠的,确实的

  authenticate vt. 证明(某物)为真

  authoritative adj. 权威性的,可信的;(有)权威的,官方的

  authority n. 权力,极限;(某领域的)权威人士;authorities 当局

  authorize vt. 授权,批准

  autobiography n. 自传

  autocrat n. 独裁者

  automated adj. 自动化的

  automatic adj. (尤指机器)自动(化)的;(人)无意识的,机械的

  automaton n. 机器人

  autonomous adj. 自治的,独立的

  autonomy n. 自治权,自治

  auxiliary adj. 辅助的;补充的

  available adj. 自由的,有空的;可利用的,可得到的;有资格干某事的;愿意感某事的

  avalanche n. 雪崩

  avant-garde n. 先锋派(艺术流派之一);先锋,前卫

  avenge vt. 复仇,报复

  average adj. 一般的,通常的;平庸的;n. 平均水平;平均数;vt. 平分为

  Joining the Peace Corps is an auspicious start to a career in the Foreign Service. Peace Corps volunteers perform charitable function in developing countries under the auspices of the U.S. Government. They primarily serve as auxiliary advisers or teachers. Most volunteers are average citizens just looking for a change of peace.

  Every volunteer receives a uniform. It's clean but far from avant-garde. You also receive a handbook. It's an authoritative manual for survival in your host country.

  The handbook contains some useful tips for staying out of trouble in a foreign country:

  1. Always respect the authorities in your host country.

  2. Don't authorize anyone to use your identification card.

  3. When crossing a mountain pass in the winter, beware of avalanche conditions.

  4. Be alert for possible attacks by terrorists trying to avenge a loss.

  5. Make certain that anything valuable you buy is authentic.

  6. Always authenticate large bills before accepting them.

  Some assignments are dangerous. You might be sent to a country with an autocrat for a ruler. You may need to work near an area where rebels are fighting to obtain autonomy. Some regions are already autonomous but are fighting to retain control.

  Most assignments are not dangerous. In my first assignment, I was sent to a small Latin American country to help build an automated water supply system. The only difficult I had in that country was cooking for myself. It's too bad they haven't invented an automaton that can make breakfast in the morning.

  If you're available for at least a full year of service, you can apply to join the Peace Corps. Acceptance is not automatic. Perhaps at the end of your service, you will be able to write an autobiography of your adventures abroad.




  1. 始终不渝地尊重所在国的政府当局

  2. 不要授权任何人使用你的身份证。

  3. 冬天过关隘时,小心雪崩状况。

  4. 警惕恐怖分子为所受损失而可能采取的报复性攻击。

  5. 确保所购买的贵重物品真实可靠

  6. 在接受任何大额票据时,一定要证明真实性




  Lesson 19 Facing Your Fear 直面你的恐惧


  averse adj. 反对的,不愿意的

  aversion n. 厌恶,憎恨

  avert vt. 避免,规避

  aviation n. 航空,航空学

  aviator n. 飞行家

  avid adj. 渴望的,热心的

  avocation n. 副业,嗜好

  avow v. 公开承认,公开宣称

  awareness n. 意识

  awkward adj. 笨拙的,不灵活的

  axis n. 轴,轴心

  baby-sitter n. 担任临时保姆,代人照顾婴儿者

  bachelor n. (文、理)学士;单身汉

  backbone n. 骨干,支柱;脊椎,中枢;骨气;坚毅,毅力

  backdrop n. 舞台背景,背景

  badge n. 徽章,证章(以示身份)

  badger v. 一再烦扰,一再要求;n. 獾(一种动物)

  baggage n. 行李

  bait v. 以饵引诱(动物),把饵装上;n. 诱饵,引诱物

  balance n. 平衡;vt. 使....平衡,使....均衡

  I'm averse to flying. It's not that I don't have a backbone. In fact, I am otherwise very brave. I wear a police badge everyday and I arrest dangerous criminals. My aversion to aviation dates back to when I was a child.

  When I was years old, my baby-sitter took me on a short flight to visit my mom. We flew in a small plane. The weather conditions were very bad that day. Halfway to our destination, we hit a terrible storm. The aviator lost control of the plane. The powerful wind made the plane to several barrel rolls. It was like me were in a ball that was spinning on an axis. After a few seconds, the avaitor regained control and averted a disaster.

  I avowed never to fly in a small plane again. That story should serve as a dufficient backdrop for my fear of flying.

  However, I'm an avid fisherman. In fact, fishing is my avocation. To me, there's nothing like putting bait on you hook and casting it in a peaceful stream. No phones to ring, no supervisors to badger you. I'm still a bachelor, so I have plenty of time for fishing. The problem is that now, the best fishing spots are accessible only by small planes.

  Thus, I find myself looking rather awkward today as I stumble and stagger towards the small plane that awaits me. Why am I flying when I know how dangerous it is? Is this fishing spot really so great? My awareness of the danger is suppressed only by my thoughts of fabulous fishing. But I can hardly keep my balance as I struggle forward with my baggage.

  Just like any other fear, you have to face it one step at a time.






托福词汇20  Lesson 20 Voting Day in San Rico 圣黎各的投票日


  bald adj. 秃头的,光秃的

  bald eagle 秃头鹰(美国国鸟)

  balk vi. 阻碍;犹豫,不愿做

  ballot n. 选票

  ban vt. 禁止;查禁

  banal adj. 陈腐的

  band n. 乐队;队;(光或颜色的)带;vi. 联合,集合

  bandanna n. 大手帕

  bandit n. 强盗

  bandleader n. 乐队指挥

  bandmaster n. 乐队指挥

  bang n. 发出砰的一声,重击

  bankrupt adj. 破产了的

  bankruptcy n. 破产

  banner n. 旗帜,标语

  banquet n. 宴会,盛会

  banter n. (善意的)取消,逗弄;v. 善意地与人开玩笑

  bar n. 酒吧;snack bar 快餐店;条,棒;栅

  barb n. (鱼钩等的)倒钩;倒刺

  Initially, I balked at my editor’s request that I cover the presidential elections in San Rico. San Rico was known for its bandits. Just one year ago, we had been banned from traveling there because of the danger. This year, the government promised political reforms and crime control.

  Could thing have changed so much in only one year? Not in my mind. I imagined the worst. I anticipated burly bald man wearing bandannas, riding around on motorcycles and harassing voters. I pictured a bankrupt candidate, making a banal speech to a bored crowd, and claiming that his bankruptcy would not interfere with his government duties. I even expected the ballot box to be wrapped in barbed wire, with blood dripping from some of the barbs. What I didn’t expect was a bandmaster and the bang of a drum!

  When our foreign press plane arrived in San Rico, we were greeted by a cheering crowd and a marching band. There was even a bald eagle. The bandleader led us from the plane, through the throngs of smiling people, and into the packed center of the city. There was big red banners hanging from every building, encouraging people to vote. Secure voting booths stood on every corner with people standing in long lines to cast their ballot. I had never seen so much enthusiasm for an election.

  It was a new and exciting beginning for the people of San Rico. I reported it all in my story and faxed it back to my editor. After attending a wonderful banquet, I found myself sitting at a bar, listening to the banter about the election.



