
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/28 09:21:56


    Alice is very forgetful. She always forgets _1_ she has done or everything she should do.

  Here is _2_ example. One day she was going out, she suddenly stopped _3_ the door, because she was not sure _4_ she had turned the TV set and cooker off. _5_ she had to open the door and go back to have a look. When she was about _6_ off, she couldn’t find her key. After she found her key, she went down to turn _7_ the cellar(地窖) light. She had a lot of things to do before she left her house.

  In this _8_ she spent much time in doing trifling(细小的) household affairs. _9_ she finally got to the train station, it was _10_ late to catch the last train.

(     )1.A. anything           B. something        C. everything        D. things

(     )2. A. at                B. the              C. an                D. /

(     )3. A. at                B. on               C. in                D. to

(     )4. A. because           B. when             C. when              D. if

(     )5. A. So                B. And              C. Since             D. For

(     )6. A. setting           B. set              C. to set            D. get

(     )7. A. of                B. off              C. out               D. on

(     )8. A. road              B. way              C. reason            D. method

(     )9. A. While             B. When             C. Before            D. After

(     )10. A. very             B. still            C. even              D. too


                                                         Xinhua Middle School

                                                           December 18,1994      

Dear Mom and Dad,

  How time flies! It has been three months _1_ I left Sydney. I hope you are well.

  I’m getting _2_ well with my studies. And we’ve made friends _3_ at school.

  Christmas is coming , It is getting _4_ in Beijing . Beijing had its first _5_ the day before yesterday . So, I’ll have my first “_6_ “ Christmas in my life.

  I’m enclosing (附上) a Christmas card _7_ a picture of the Great Wall. It looks nice, _8_ it?

  I’ve received your _9_ .I’m going to buy some Christmas presents for my Chinese friends,too.

  Please write to me as _10_ as possible.

  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



(     )1. A. when            B. after           C. since           D. before

(     )2. A. very            B. on              C. of             D. too

(     )3. A. each other                         B. one another      

        C. with each other                      D. with each others

(     )4. A. cold and cold                      B. cold and colder 

        C. colder and colder                    D. colder and coldest

(     )5. A. snow            B. rain            C. wind                D. cloud

(     )6. A. blue            B. red             C. black               D. white

(     )7. A. about           B. with            C. without             D. for

(     )8. A. isn’t          B. wasn’t         C. don’t              D. doesn’t

(     )9. A. letter          B. card            C. thing               D. presents

(     )10. A. quickly        B. fast            C. soon                D. late


    When a friend was visiting David, it began _1_. So David told him _2_ that night. “You may stay here _3_ the night,” he said. “OK,” answered his friend.

  But _4_  minutes _5_, the friend went out. He didn’t tell David where _6_ going nor did he ask for an umbrella.

  When David was about _7_, his friend _8_. He was all wet through.

  “Where have you _9_ ?” asked David.

  “I have been _10_ ,” answered the friend,” to tell my mother that I’ll not go home tonight because of the rain.”

(     )1. A. raining          B. to rain          C. rain                D. rains

(     )2. A. to go not home  B. don’t to go home  C. not to go home  D. doesn’t to go home

(     )3. A. for             B. to                C. of               D. up

(     )4. A. few             B. little            C. a little             D. a few

(     )5. A. late            B. after             C. lately               D. later

(     )6. A. he was          B. was he            C. he is                D. is he

(     )7. A. to go to sleep  B. to go to bed      C. going to bed         D. go to bed

(     )8. A. returned        B. returns           C. to return            D. returning

(     )9. A. gone            B. been to           C. gone to              D. been

(     )10. A. to home        B. home to           C. home                 D. homed


    A judge was working in his room one day _1_ a neighbor ran in and said, “If one man’s cow kills _2_ , is the owner of the first cow responsible?”

  “It depends.” Answered the judge.

  “Well,” said the man, “your cow has killed _3_.”

  “Oh.” Answered the judge. “_4_ knows that a cow cannot think like a man, _5_ a cow is not responsible, and that means that its owner is not responsible, either.”

  “I’m sorry, judge,” said the man. “I made _6_ . I meant that my cow killed yours.” The judge thought _7_ a few seconds and then said, “When I think about it more _8_ , this case is not so _9_ as I thought at first.” And then he turned to his servant and said, “Please _10_ me that big black book from the desk behind you.”

(     )1.A.while              B.what              C.when            D.where

(     )2.A.each other         B.another’s        C.an other’s     D.another man

(     )3.A.my                 B .me               C.its             D.mine

(     )4.A.Everyone           B.None              C.No one          D.It

(     )5.A.if                 B.so                C.for             D.that

(     )6.A.an excuse          B.a promise         C.a mistake       D.an apology

(     )7.A.with               B.in                C.on              D.for

(     )8.A.carefully          B.funny             C.easy            D.friendly

(     )9.A.difficult          B.funny             C.easy            D.friendly

(     )10.A.move              B.take              C.bring           D.buy


    Have you ever had to stay in bed for a long time? I _1_. About six months ago I _2_ very weak and so I went to see a doctor. He looked at me and _3_ a lot of questions: “Have you been working too _4_?” “Have you _5_ or drunk anything special?” And so on. Finally he told me that it was not very _6_ but that I ought not to meet other people. I had to stay in bed for two weeks and take some _7_ every day. _8_ wasn’t so bad because my friends came and talked to me _9_ the windows. I’m glad my bedroom is on the _10_ floor.

(     )1.A.had            B.have             C.did                D.do

(     )2.A.wounded        B.looked           C.went               D.felt

(     )3.A.needed         B.heard            C.asked              D.answered

(     )4.A.well           B.hard             C.fast               D.bad

(     )5.A.eaten          B.loved            C.made               D.ordered

(     )6.A.worse          B.hurt             C.serious            D.frightened

(     )7.A.holidays       B.walk             C.look               D.medicine

(     )8.A.There          B.It               C.What               D.He

(     )9.A.along          B.across           C.through            D.over

(     )10.A.hospital        B.building            C.downstairs          D.ground


     Robert found work in a workplace after he finished middle school. His _1_ is about two hundred kilometres away from the city and he can’t live _2_ from Monday to Friday. And he has not enough _3_ to live in the hotel, so the head of the workplace told him to live in the next room. At first he worked hard and _4_ the workplace before his workmates came. And the head often praised him.

  Last winter the young man _5_ a girl at a party and soon they made friends. They _6_ a lot of time at the cinemas, parks and shops. Robert went to bed very late and couldn’t get up every time every morning. He was warned for it, but he would not _7_.

  One morning Robert was late again. The head was _8_ him and said, “All the workers came here on time except you. And only you live _9_ to the workplace!”

  “I’m sorry I can’t _10_ you, sir,” said Robert. “They all can find time on their way here if they get up late. But only I can’t!”

(     )1.A.school           B.factory        C.shop           D.house

(     )2.A.at home          B.alone          C.outside        D.inside

(     )3.A.time             B.money          C.places         D.excuses

(     )4.A.built            B.mended         C.cleaned        D.washed

(     )5.A.saw              B.hit            C.knew           D.looked for

(     )6.A.used             B.took           C.hoped          D.spent

(     )7.A.mind             B.think          C.hear           D.worry

(     )8.A.afraid of        B.angry with     C.sorry for      D.sad of

(     )9.A.far              B.farthest       C.near           D.nearest

(     )10.A.agree with      B.talk with      C.laugh at       D.catch up with


     This time last week Roy Woods, a bus conductor from Streatham, in South London, was worried about money. He _1_ $20 from his landlady. Today he is _2_, for last Saturday he won $120,000 on the football pools( 赌注).

  Last night he was interviewed on television by reporter Stan Edwards.

  EDWARDS: Well, Mr. Woods, _3_ are you going to do now? Are you going to give up your _4_ on the buses?

  WOODS: Yes, I’m going to _5_ at the end of the week.

  EDWARDS: and what other plans have you _6_?

  WOODS: Well, I’m going to buy a house.

  EDWARDS: Have you got a house of your own now?

  WOODS: No, no, we _7_ in a flat .

  EDWARDS: Have you got a _8_ ?

  WOODS: Yes, I’ve got an old Ford, _9_ I’m going to buy a new car --- and my wife says she’s going to have _10_ lessons!

(     )1.A.received          B.paid              C.sent             D.borrowed

(     )2.A.poor              B.rich              C.old              D.ill

(     )3.A.how               B.when              C.what             D.where

(     )4.A.work              B.idea              C.football         D.money

(     )5.A.start             B.work              C.finish           D.return

(     )6.A.found             B.thought           C.seen             D.got

(     )7.A.work              B.live              C.play             D.meet

(     )8.A.car               B.friend            C.class            D.television

(     )9.A.so                B.but               C.and              D.for

(     )10.A.teaching         B.music             C.TV               D.driving


     The telephone rang and Sue answered it.  “_1_ I speak to Mrs Potts, please?” a man asked.  “I’m _2_ you’ve got the wrong number,” Sue said. “I’m sorry.” The man said.

     A few minutes passed _3_ the telephone rang again, Sue answered it. It was the same man. He had made _4_ again. Three minutes _5_ the telephone rang once more. Mother heard the noise.  

  “Why _6_ you answer the phone, Sure?” she called.

  “Oh, all right,” Sue said. “I’m sure it’s _7_ man again,” But she was _8_. It was her father and he was very _9_. Sue had him _10_ long.

(     )1.A.Do            B.Must            C.May             D.Need

(     )2.A.afraid        B.afraid of       C.afraid to       D.be afraid

(     )3.A.but           B.so              C.or              D.and

(     )4.A.mistake       B.a mistake       C.mistakes        D.an mistake

(     )5.A.later         B.latter          C.ago             D.before

(     )6.A.didn’t       B.don’t          C.not             D.doesn’t

(     )7.A.so            B.that            C.this            D.as

(     )8.A.wrong         B.right           C.fool            D.clever

(     )9.A.happy         B.hungry          C.angry           D.tired

(     )10.A.waiting      B.standing        C.to wait         D.to stand

(9) ☆☆☆

  It was ten o’clock at night, and the last bus _1_ at the gate of a park. An old woman got out, and the conductor was going to ring the bell for _2_ to start the bus again, when he saw a small boy _3_ at the bus-stop.

  “What’s the matter?” the bus conductor said to the boy.

  “My mother gave me ten pence to go home by bus after I finished playing football in the park with my friends,” the small boy answered, “but I’ve _4_ it, so now I have to walk all the way home.”

  “That’s all right.” Said the conductor. “Come on. We’ll _5_ you home.”

  The small boy thanked him, _6_ the bus and sat down near the door. The conductor rang the bell, then the bus started. “How _7_ are you going?” asked the conductor.

  The boy told him the name of the place where he lived. It was about two miles away, and _8_ would have cost three pence if the boy had had the money to pay for it.

  The conductor went to give some other people on the bus their tickets, and when he came back a few minutes _9_, he saw that the small boy was crying again.

  “And what’s the matter with you now ?” the conductor asked. “You are on your way home, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I am,” answered the boy, “but what about my change? You haven’t given that to me yet. You should give me _10_.”

(     )1.A.had just stopped                       B.has just stopped

        C.had just left                           D.has just left

(     )2.A.the conductor        B.the boy         C.the driver       D.the old woman

(     )3.A.cry                  B.cried           C.crying           D.to cry

(     )4.A.dropped              B.forgot          C.lost             D.left

(     )5.A.bring                B.take            C.carry            D.show

(     )6.A.got off              B.got up          C.got on           D.got in

(     )7.A.long                 B.far             C.soon             D.often

(     )8.A.the ticket           B.the seat        C.the bus          D.the chair

(     )9.A.before               B.after           C.earlier          D.later

(     )10.A.seven pence         B.ten pence       C.three pence      D.no pence

(10) ☆☆☆

  Paul got on the bus to go to the town. It was very _1_, and he had to _2_ for a few minutes. Then some of the people got _3_. Paul sat down _4_ to a fat woman. She _5_ several shopping bags, and Paul didn’t have much _6_ in the seat. He wasn’t comfortable. At last the bus got to the town. All the people started to get off. Paul was very _7_, so he stood up to _8_ the fat woman get off before him. She said, “Thank you.” Then she tried to _9_ out of the seat with all her bags. But she _10_ move. She was stuck(粘住)!

(     )1.A.empty            B.busy            C.crowded               D.dirty

(     )2.A.sit              B.stand           C.sleep                 D.lie

(     )3.A.down             B.off             C.on                    D.up

(     )4.A.last             B.beside          C.nearby                D.next

(     )5.A.sold             B.bought          C.had                   D.enjoyed

(     )6.A.place            B.bought          C.space                 D.time

(     )7.A.polite           B.rude            C.worried               D.clever

(     )8.A.make             B.ask             C.tell                  D.let

(     )9.A.leave            B.stay            C.keep                  D.get

(     )10.A.didn’t         B.had to          C.did                   D.couldn’t