
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/10 11:34:33

1. General (Integrated) 综合性 ,非语言学校有直接关系的英语学习论坛/园地

Group I

质量和学术性比较好。原创比较多的论坛。 答问题有时候 比较准确 Better Quality. Better Academic Atmosphere. More Original Articles. Answers to queries are relatively accurate than other. 排名不分先后

Name of Forum


The Treasure Island English Corner. Section II of the Rainlane BBS

1 这是个很别类的英语论坛。 以练习为主。 很多原创的贴子。 如“中式英语收集及收改”, “从例子学写,学译公司间介” 及很多原 创写作, 翻译 等等

Putclub 普特英语听力网论坛

4 Although billed as a 听力网论坛, this is actually a full size Forum. 真正懂得英文的人比较多。

Tianya English Section 天涯论坛的英语杂谈

2 这是网上人口最大的论坛。 但是林子大了, 甚么鸟都有。 顾名思议。这是杂谈。 所以灌水贴甚多, 因为人口众多, 有很多英语较好的访客。但是也有很多英语很差 , 但不知道自己英语烂得很的人常常乱答别人的问题。 更有些把软件译出来不明不白的英语也发表出来? , 有些问者英语水平甚低, 把这些错误的答案拿了, 还千多万谢。 因为人口众多, 自然有不少英语比较好的。 所以原创文章也不少。但是因为论坛垃圾甚多,所以要耐心去找. (You have to separate the wheat from the chaff. And that‘s no easy matter in this forum as the chaff overwhelms the wheat by a ratio of more than 100 to 1.) Still, because of its size, it has virtually something for everyone, and perhaps that‘s why people keep on congregating there. 因为人口众多,甚么贴子都有。所以形形种种的访客都能在这里共存。 This board is listed under "Integrated Boards" because it is actually several boards in one.


不错。 有英文比较好的人在 (Not sure if this is affiliated with a school or an organization)

Calm-sea 写作网

以前是纯为写作。 现已发展为多元性的英语学习网站。 原创多。 但是水平有好有坏。

China daily

中国日报英语区 综合形 。访客有中有西 (This is also listed in another category below.)

hjbbs 沪江论坛

3 This one has been around for a long time. Has an active "English only board" that is not too bad. The English is acceptable. 问答板没有多的英语标青的人常在,所以 中译英不是全对。 有时解释比较地道的英语也会有错。 但比其它如 English Salon, EnglishVod 的论坛好些.



In2 english

Quoted from their 网站简介 英语通(www.in2english.com.cn)是一个免费、权威、实用而有趣的英语学习网站,由值得信赖的英国文化协会、英国广播公司、中国中央电大及电大在线合作推出. (Has some good people. Bruce Lee (known affectionately as Uncle Bruce to their readers) is one of them.

4ewriting 4e 写作网

学术性比较好。但是有些中译英的问题答复不大准。 虽然是称为英语写作网,但没有太多英语很好的原创

Manfen Net 满分网

This is purely for practicing writing for all kinds of exams: Toefl, CET, GRE, Ielts. The moderators seem to be knowledgeable. I have not check if the stuff they write about writing are original or transcripted. What is lacking, however, are people willing to revise the practice essays. Except for an occasional passerby with good command in English, most of the other peer-revisions are just as bad as the people writing the practice versions.

Yuloo 育路教育社区

不错。 有英文比较好的人在

Big Big World

This is run by a bunch of Chinese students in England, but the posts are from all over the world, China included.

Chase Dream

Devouted to MBA studies and passing MBA entrance exams, English exams etc.


Devoted mostly to exams Ielts, Toffels. Also seems to be frequented by overseas students. No sure if it is affilicated with a school or not. Has some good features such as the translation challenge.翻译擂台


Has a 原创 section.

Taisha 太傻超级论坛

主力是有关考试及出国 (CET4/6,GRE, Toefl,ielts)

Group II

其它综合性 ,非语言学校有连系的 英语学习论坛

Maple Sky 红枫论坛

以加拿大华人为主的论坛. 英语板一般的水平




乱答, 乱译 一通, 尤其是中译英。

cn english net


52 en 我爱英语俱乐部



New. Tiny. Mostly about exams and little else.徐了有关考试的贴子外,没有别的甚么特别的


雅思, 出国留学 related



To be continued...


2. 单板面英语园地 Single Board English Corners

Group I

Better quality or has relatively more traffic

1.02 Backchina 倍可亲, 英语园地

Set up for overseas Chinese, but has all kinds of visitors. English competency level good to excellent.


Active. People do make an effort to use English.

人教论坛/ 英语教育教学论坛/ 英语论坛教师版

Not sure if this is affiliated with any school or not. Two boards, one for teachers and one for students.

Group II


中国Photoshop联盟论坛 Spill Your Guts·张嘴说英语

Active, but 没有甚么特别 成都在线论坛 英语角

人气不错. 但没有甚么特别


中国自考网 English Corner

Need to register to read any post.

Sohu 英语沙龙



Several stand alone English forum can be accesss from this page. None them has any particular academic value.

Ite Pub 移民、留学、英语论坛


16 疯狂学习网


Almost all downloads, or reprints.几乎全部是转贴 或是下载。没有新的东西


网上读书园地论坛 -> 外语学习

没有甚么特别. 都是谈老套的东西:新概念, 新东方, 下载...


主要是下载资源 。没有甚么其它的好文章


Supposed to be for talking to each other in English, but most people just post in Chinese

厦门八大山人论坛 -英语角















Group III

新。 在慢慢发展中


YouthChinaBBS 英语园地

文化宫人员所办的. 新.








Group IV

New, Tiny, or No Traffic 人气很少



Mostly talk about CET4/6 exams. Little else that is different from similar BBSes.


14 郯城市民论坛

very low traffic 人气很少


文化社区 , 教育园地 【 英语角落 】

人气很少 (只有一个人)


咱们的论坛 英语学习

人气很少 没有甚么特别


Group V

Poorer Quality


1 铁杆英语



志成休闲运动俱乐部 外语沙龙

人气很少 没有甚么特别



A long time ago (about 6 years ago), this was a popular place. Now, no one goes there anymore. Those people who used to go to their English Corner now congregates at their overseas students corner.


中青人文论坛- 英语角 Inactive, but do make an effort to at least use some English.



青春社区 英语沙龙

人气很少。 板主不常在。 Place got overrun by spammers


To be sorted to the above 5 categories



1 golden



2 sky lounge



3 biological sciences



4 Long corricdor



5 cdhuying



6 It pub



7 kye



8 Friends

Site dedicated to fans of the TV sitcom Friends


9 if star ..



10 BT club



11 medical site,

medium size English corner.


13 Dynamic  动力论坛










































../.. ../.. To be continued...未完代续

3. English forums associated with High Schools, Colleges and Universities. 大学,中学学生论坛附属的英语论坛

Group I

Relatively Good Quality 比较好的

1 新兴教育社区英语角

没有甚么特别。Anthony 教师的英语似乎不错



Group II

Small, less traffic, or new forums. 人气少, 或是少有创作性或学术性贴子的论坛, 或是水平较低一点的论坛

1 a 自考英本

Associated with some kind of Continued Ed. Institution. 与一所继续教育学校有连系的网站

4 Some high school

to check name

1 沈河教育网

水平 中,小学程度


Supposed to be a 教师论坛英语角, but I doubt it. Even the simplest thread is met with a request for translation. 名为“ 教师论坛英语角”, 但我想大部份访客不是英语教师。 因为最间单的英语贴子也被请译成中文

n+2 2 红山教育社区

Hardly any one.几乎完全没有原创贴,转贴的贴子都是与其它的英语论坛一样。也不注明是转贴。

High School to check


a teacher‘s college

to check later: site temporary shut down


附属“ 图忆世界讲授英语快速学习法和英语快速记忆法 ”除了有关它们“图忆世界”书本及方法之外。 没有甚么与别人不同。没有甚么特别的贴子 .

4 同大英语中国论坛

板主说“背了新概念四册可以在英语国家教英语"。 真不知天高地厚。无怪网上这么多人看到很兰的英语还赞好

English board of a high school physics site


4. 轻松英语

较新。 是一位“居成老师”所办. 不知是和那所学校有关 没有甚么特别。


site is down at this moment, to check later


Nothing special. Please note: 它们有自动加上 所有贴子是它们的板权。 但是它们的贴子,大多是转载别人的东西而又不注明是转来的。别人的东西便变了它们的东西

Jiang Hing High school


18 牛津英语

美名为 牛津英语 ,但与牛津全无关系。大吹大擂的说”名师在线名牌大学英语老师为你解决学习中的各种疑难问题,提供最专业的学习咨询" " 全都没有 似乎是跟华师大学英语部有关。

4 成大电信论坛 -- 英语派

人气少. visitors (students) complaining it costs them too much to go on the Internet.







4. Magazine, Newspaper, Book Publishing, Software Publishing, and Tutorial Schools Related English Forums 补习学校或是英语培训学院附属的英语论坛

4.01China daily

中国日报英语区 综合形 。访客有中有西


4.02 点点网 The Diandian Net


4.03 恩波

3 This site has a serious disagreement with Mr.Ding of 点点 and ended up unilaterally censoring any reference to 点点网 by automatically replacing any link to www.diandian.net by *****. I hate this kind of censorship. It serves no useful purpose for students. That aside, they do have a few good teachers and some of them do come around to help students.

JerryStorm 风暴英语 (Some Chinese who went to Canada and started an English language training school. Like everyone else, he claims his method is better. This site is associated with the school.


Please note: Most of the Ielts relted sites are run by the same organization, has the same people in it, and share essentially the same materials, many of which are similar to other exam-dedicated sites. Origin of those material is unknown. Once in a while some of the materials have small mistakes in them. Almost all, if not all, exam-dedicated Web sites have similar teaching and illustration material. Few, if any, ever mention they were reprinted. But since everyone has the same material, they cannot all be the original author. The awareness of intellectual rights in China is very low. As schools, they are not setting a good example for their students.

雅思学习及考试的网站,以及其它很多与各种考试有关的网站, 都是差不多是一样的。可能是同一机构开的。资料也是差不多是一样。有些是自己写的, 有些是网上很多同样的。 但不知源出行处。 谁是作者 。大部份的培训学院的东西, 都没有说是从那里转来的。 但因为网上很多同样的资料,所以不会是每个论坛都是原作者 !

4 Ielts related 1

4 雅思学习之一:

5 9iabc

Another Ielts site 雅思学习之二

6 Another ielts site 3. 3gbbs

4 雅思学习之三

7 51ielts This is the 51 Ielts site

多个雅思学习及考试的网站中比较好的一个。 其中有 Patrick 教师写的范文不错 One of the better Ielts sites. Has good sample essays written by a teacher named Patrick. (Link to be added.)

8 朗阁在线 very small ielts

**Note: Will trigger Virus Warning with Rising Virus Checker.***


没有甚么特别, 水平不高

9 Hongen 洪恩在线

One of the older forums. Except for the two boards that are chaired (moderated) by two Canadian teachers, the others suffers the same malaise as most other BBS: no one of good command in English on standby to give good help.

10 Yummy English 趣味英语

Relatively new. Very little traffic

11 Wang Man Man 王万万英语学院

This is their new BBS. Almost all the old posts are gone as a result of the change over. Like many other BBSes associated with tutorial schools, the various boards are not moderated by English professionals, but just interested students. As a result, you can rarely get answers to anything other than the simplest questions, and answers to all the more difficult ones are often incorrect (except those answered by an occasional more knowledgeable passerby.)

12 梁睿英语论坛


The following few are related to Li Yang‘s Crazy English. Listing them does not mean I endorse their teaching or business philosophy. Keep in mind they are essentially a business. How good they are depends on the individual teachers.

All Li Yang related sites suffers from the same shortcomings: Resources, resources and resources, but no actual people-to-people help. Like other similar schools, they take material from many personal weblogs, other BBSes...etc and do not acknowledge the author or cite where the material comes from. This creates the illusion that they have written a wealth of original materials. Second problem readers should be weary of is the sample essays. 范文有好有坏。 范文有很多不是老师或专家所写的, 而是略略修改过的好的学生文章。 其中还有很多错误。 各位学习时要小心, 不要把错的语法也背诵下去。最近在加拿大的一所学院, 有个来自中国的学生,把一篇新东方的“四,六级背诵范文抄了去交功课? (是那篇把 "cannot" 错写成 "can not"的一篇) 加拿大老外老师看不出是抄的。 这是因为文中有错, 又写得很中色化。 所以老外以为是中国学生来学英语的水平。)

13 这是 新东方的新网页

很多的范文是从别人的网站 抄来的。 但又不说不是自己写的 E。g. Happylins 所写的 "Reverse Cultural Shock."

14 sino-exam, by A teacher of 新东方

很多看象是原创的贴子都是抄来的。没有原创教学资料。 跟其它打 Crazy English 旗号的网站没有多大分别

15 The Top study, another by the same teacher above

rating: poor quality. no substance.



17 中国疯狂英语教育论坛

The majority of the article is about Li Yeng. The "learning materials" are the same old Li stuff. No new stuff.

18 21st Century 21世纪报网上英语学习社区

Not related to schools, but is affiliated with a newspaper.

19 Spark-english 星火英语

associated with the site 星火英语 (promoting either a book or a school) Heavily exam oriented. http://www.sparkenglish.com/


快克英语网(Promoting the Book and/or System Quick English). Has a few good post--the one dealing with Chinglish collection.

21 上海MBA论坛 , 英语角

GMAT related. Mostly downloads. Little of anything else.

22 英语沙龙 英语沙龙 杂志

此论坛严禁介绍别人的论坛。 所以请勿介绍它们的论坛。问题答复不准确。中译英很中式化









To be continued...


5 翻译论坛例表

This is only a list.

For a more detailed description of some of the ones listed here, go to 翻译论坛详细报道

1 汉英 (古月)

2 译者

3 Translators (hk00852)

4 Transfun 译坊 (Vera)

5 Fane translation

6 cntranslators

以下的比英译中有时有问题 , 往往有些回答者的英文烂得很

Unfortunately, as is often the case, some of the questioners and help seekers are not aware that the English translations are incorrect.

7 acme translation

8 Xmelink (relatively new)

9 我翻我译

10 netat

11 鲁大翻译论坛

12 非常小的翻译论坛

13 北京翻译论坛

14 911 翻译论坛

15 晨星翻译论坛

16 中国翻译论坛

17. Dr.eye

This is the forum of a software translation company. Other than running a periodic translation competition (with real prizes for promoting their products), they do not seem to have anything special.<

全国翻译专业资格 考试论坛 翻译互助

(CATTI=China Aptitude Test for Translators and Intrepretors.)水平比较低

Yiwen 译文论坛 Has registrar, cannot figure out why I do not have a record. Correct info on "furthest" distance


smaller translation forum






6. 有问题的英语论坛

Other smaller sites


1. 696

Worst English Write up Award for their "board regulation" thread. 网上最烂英文奖。此论坛上英语板的板规,比软件译出来的英文更烂。 有某推休教授访客写了一劝告不要用软件翻译来写作,立即被封了发言权。所有贴子, 连与学英语有关的, 一律删了 参详挡案

2 江财人论坛英语角

错误多多的 “ 四六级作文写作模版 ” 这是网上流传甚广的一个贴子。 其中的范文错误甚多。在此贴子上有过客把它修改过

3 卓悦英文书院

有三个外教。但不是常来答话。 其它板没有值得读的原创。 其它资料与便的论坛差不多。 到是网上传来传去的同一样的东西 。也是多转了不说是转贴,使读者以为出自他们的东西。 有人提一提,便被全部封了。 不管是甚么的新旧贴子都删了。

4 stole tumu‘s stuff BBS

call people mad dog after been notified of copying other people work and calling it an origina. (to write up in Chinese later)

5 大学生论坛 → 考研 → 考研英语

All posts must be approved. However, the administrator has not been around for months.As of today (Dec 26th 2005), 72 posts are stuck at 审核





To be continued...

...Log:last worked on: Dec 7th, 2005